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Ganei Ha’Ela

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About Ganei Ha’Ela

About Ganei Ha’Ela

The vision of Ganei Ha’Ela is to create a cohesive community where families who share a commitment to Torah, the Jewish people, and Eretz Yisrael can come together in a warm and friendly environment to support each other.

The center of Ganei Ha’Ela will be the community Beit Knesset where daily and weekly tefillah will take place. Sensitive to both the sanctity and inspiration of tefillah, we will create an environment that not only enhances our personal prayers but is also welcoming and nurturing of our children’s religious development.

A vibrant Beit Midrash (located in the Beit Knesset building) will be an integral part of life in Ganei Ha’Ela. From early risers preparing the day’s Daf to dedicated chavrutot returning after a long day’s work, the “kol Torah” emanating from the Beit Midrash will energize the entire community. Numerous shiurim for men and women will be offered as well, covering a range of topics, including Parshat HaShavua and Tanach, in-depth Gemara and Daf Yomi, and Halacha.

“Olam chesed yibaneh” – chesed is the foundation of the world and it will be an integral building block of our community. Whether helping a neighbor in a time of need, welcoming visitors or new residents, bikur cholim visits, preparing meals when a new baby is born, or countless other examples, creating a “culture of kindness” will be a hallmark of Ganei Ha’Ela.


At Ganei Ha’Ela we believe in the importance of “Aseh Le’cha Rav u-Kneh Lecha Chaver” and therefore having a rabbi who can guide and inspire while, at the same time, is warm and approachable, is integral to our vision of a community. We are proud that Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb, an experienced and highly regarded rabbi, will be the rav of the community.

Creating an environment that will foster the religious and emotional development of our children is a priority at Ganei Ha’Ela. Starting with programming for little kids – such as Shabbat groups, parent-child learning, fun trips, and Purim carnivals – and continuing to the formative teenage years – with onegs, special Se’udat Shlishit programs, “Ask the Rabbi” sessions, and supervised recreational activities – we will create a community that your children will love to be a part of.

All of this – the Torah, Tefillah and Chesed, the rabbinic leadership, youth focus – will be located in a new suburb of Ramat Beit Shemesh. The greater Beit Shemesh area is one of the fastest growing regions in Israel today and Ramat Beit Shemesh is one of the most popular destinations for olim. By building our community in this new neighborhood we will be able to have the benefits of a cohesive community and, at the same time, take advantage of the resources of this vibrant area.

Technical Specifications


  • Plywood kitchen cabinets, approx. 8 linear meters, with soft-close drawers 

  • Two flush fitted sinks

  • Pull out faucets

  • Caesar stone counter in various shades

  • Garden exit doors with electrical shutters


  • Concealed cistern hanging toilets

  • Bathroom cabinet 

In the Cottage:

  • 60/60 floor tiles in the living room and kitchen 

  • Electric scrolling shutter in the living room, including a manual roller

  • Preparation for mini-central air conditioning

  • Double glazed aluminum framed windows

  • Preparation for screens

  • Telephone and cable jack in each room

  • Three phase electricity

  • Gewiss electrical accessories

  • Safety door at the entrance 

  • Quality interior doors in various shades

  • Shabat clock

Contact us
Contact us

Sales Office:

Ganei Ha’Ela, Ramat Beit Shemesh


Opening hours:

Sunday to Thursday: 9:00-18:00
Fridays and Holiday evenings: 8:00-13:30

Thank you for your inquiry

צרו קשר איתנו: 8082*

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צרו קשר איתנו: 8082*

תרשימי הדירה, צמודותיה והפרטים הכלולים בהם לרבות המידות ניתנים לצורך התרשמות בלבד.
מובהר כי ההדמיות הינן לצרכי המחשה בלבד ואינן מהוות כל מצג מחייב מצד החברה, ומובהר כי יתכן והמבנה בפועל יהיה שונה מהמוצג בהדמיות.
את החברה יחייבו החוזה ונספחיו החתומים בלבד. 

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